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The Student News Site of Guilford High School

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 The Field Guide to the North American Teenager, by Ben Philippe, recommended by Layla Armstrong

She rated the book a 7.5/10. Describing the novel as light-hearted and funny, Layla hints at a narrative blending humor with poignant moments, following a charismatic protagonist navigating the intricacies of adolescence. One standout aspect is the strength of the lead character, guiding readers through relatable experiences with authenticity. Armstrong acknowledges the cringe-inducing moments, noting the book’s portrayal of secondhand embarrassment, adding a layer of realism. Tailor-made for young adult audiences, this coming-of-age tale resonates on multiple levels, promising an engaging and rewarding reading experience. 

Second Recommendation: “#Murdertrending” by Gretchen McNeil


Ms. Imbach, the librarian at Guilford High School, highly recommends “#Murdertrending” by April Henry, giving it a perfect 10/10 rating. Describing the book as a gripping horror-thriller.

The novel follows a chilling premise where convicted criminals are sentenced to public execution via a twisted reality show called #Murdertrending, where the audience witnesses their gruesome demise. As the protagonist finds herself wrongly accused and thrust into this nightmarish scenario, she must navigate through the danger to prove her innocence.


Ms. Imbach describes the book as “amazing” and recommends it to anyone who enjoys horror. However, she does not recommend the sequel, “it fails to capture the same energy as the first book.”


For fans of horror and thriller genres seeking to read something that keeps you on the edge of your seats, “#Murdertrending” comes highly recommended by Ms. Imbach, promising an unforgettable journey into the darkest corners of human nature.


The final recommendation comes from me, “Violent Ends.” by  Shaun David Hutchinson, Neal Shusterman, Brendan Shusterman, Beth Revis, Cynthia Leitich Smith, Courtney Summers, Kendare Blake, Delilah S. Dawson, Steve Brezenoff, Tom Leveen, Hannah Moskowitz, Blythe Woolston, Trish Doller, Mindi Scott, Margie Gelbwasser, Christine Johnson, E. M. Kokie and Elisa Nader with a 9.7/10 rating, this book stands out as a profound exploration of the human experience from seventeen distinct perspectives. Written by a diverse group of authors Violent Ends delves into the intricacies of lives shaped by violence, tragedy, and the complexities of human nature. Through interconnected narratives, the book offers a compelling glimpse into the lives of its characters, each grappling with their own struggles and motivations.

The book’s ability to foster empathy and understanding, even for characters whose actions may seem unfathomable at first glance is amazing shows the book’s capacity to delve into the depths of human behavior, challenging readers to confront uncomfortable truths while appreciating the intricacies of the human psyche.

“This book is something everyone should read,” With its portrayal of characters and compelling storytelling, “Violent Ends” surpasses the boundaries of traditional narratives, leaving a lasting impact on those who read it.

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Christine Laster
Christine Laster, Reporter

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