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The Student News Site of Guilford High School

The Voyager

The Student News Site of Guilford High School

The Voyager

Is Good TV gone forever?


   Boredom is a common feeling that everyone has felt at least once in their life, when you’re bored you would do anything to stop being bored so what do you do? The first thing you would pick up is your phone and scroll through tik tok, instagram, etc. Eventually you get bored of that too as a last resort you turn on the T.V to find that there is nothing good on.

   A majority of our T.V shows and movies are remakes of big hits from back in the day, we especially find this in children shows. They remake the same show with different or some would say better graphics(the old graphics are nostalgic) for example Rugrats was a show from the 90s that got rebooted with “better” graphics so they can capture the younger audience, since their previous audience has grown up.

   But on the other hand there are some reboots that were done very tastefully. I think the reboot of The proud family that’s now The proud family:Louder and Prouder  is a good example of this. The graphics are “better” but it still has the heart and charm of it as the original. It’s also a different storyline with some new characters added in the mix. Penny, the eldest daughter of trudy and oscar proud is now in high school when in the original she was in middle school.  

   There are still some good shows/ movies on the air,unfortunately the bad shows outweigh the good ones. I don’t think good T.V is gone forever but there is gap that I hope someday will be filled.

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Layla Armstrong
Layla Armstrong, Reporter

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