The Student News Site of Guilford High School

The Voyager

The Student News Site of Guilford High School

The Voyager

The Student News Site of Guilford High School

The Voyager

Boys Volleyball Comes to a Close

Cashin Tokarz

   Guilford’s boys volleyball team were named the NIC-10 conference champions after a nearly undefeated season of 29 wins and one loss. They proceeded to win three games straight in IHSA regionals and moved swimmingly onto sectionals. With high hopes going in, the team was unfortunately swept under the rug in the first set and suffered a struggle in the second set, ending the 23-24 season.

   The team improved a ton throughout the season, and making it to sectionals was no easy task. The existing team members who will remain on the team next season have high hopes in their progress and are searching to return to sectionals stronger next year.

   “The season went very well and we are proud of what we accomplished,” said Ryan Maher, sophomore and varsity defensive specialist. “We were able to work as a team very well and play off of each other’s strengths.”

   It’s not just Guilford ending this season, but all of the teams in the state, giving new challenges and hurdles that must be overcome.

   “Next year we will prepare more for challenging teams,” said Hayden Kromm, junior and varsity setter. “End goal next year is going even further than we did this year.”

   But every team has its issues, which they plan to work on individually over the summer and together as a team at the beginning of next season.

   “We had trouble communicating on the court and the lineups changed a lot mid-season, making it harder to adjust to each other’s strengths,” said Maher. “Next year we will work on talking and being the best team we can be by playing with each other’s strong points.”

   Losing the current seniors is tough, adding an additional handicap that has created a void to be filled.

   “The players filling the gap of our amazing seniors have a lot to live up to,” said Maher.

   But having fun is what high school sports is all about. Going out and making the team isn’t easy, nor is showing up for practice and performing 100% in every game, especially when it matters most. Rewarding the members on the team and having fun really is the greater goal, one elevated above winning.

   “I had a lot of fun this season and I believe the team bonded very well,” said Maher. “The excitement we felt after winning the regional title was definitely one of the best moments of the season.”

   But the season isn’t over after you win the title or lose on the pursuit to the finals, the afterparty must commence! The team enjoyed a pool party and a final team dinner to end their season blissfully.

   “I had lots of fun,” said Kromm. “Best moments had to have been the weekly team dinners.”

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Spencer Vass
Spencer Vass, Copy Editor

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