The Student News Site of Guilford High School

The Voyager

The Student News Site of Guilford High School

The Voyager

The Student News Site of Guilford High School

The Voyager

School Construction Disturbs Learning

School Construction Disturbs Learning

   As the school year is coming to end, there is construction going on around the school in order to improve it. This has been a huge disturbance inside the classrooms. 

   “It has been extremely frustrating and super distracting to classes,” said Mr. Dane Johnson, English and yearbook teacher. “It’s already hard enough to get students to focus on stuff this time of year, so trying to have silent reading while people are stomping on the ceiling has made that really difficult.”

   This has been going on for months, as they are trying to get done and ready for the upcoming school years. A lot of teachers find it difficult to teach their classes and to get their students to focus.  

   “The ongoing construction has affected me directly in many ways,” said Mrs.Yaritzel Lopez, Spanish teacher. “Construction tends to be noisy, creating loud disturbances throughout the day. The semi- trucks parking along the building, which has blocked the ability to open the windows, creating a hot environment and an even more distraction to me and my students.”

   They are doing this to install a new rooftop, which is necessary. It needs to be regular maintenance, and it creates a safer environment.  

   “I’m sure it will be worth it in the long run,” said Mr. Johnson. “But it’s just really hard to imagine that this couldn’t be done over the summer when the building was going to be empty.” 

   With only a couple of days left in this school year, students are trying to get work done while there is a loud sound coming from the roof constantly. 

   “I don’t like all the noise,” said David Quinones, sophomore. “I think it’s very distracting, especially when I am trying to do my work and pay attention.” 

   Despite the inconveniences this brings, the outcome and benefits of this is going to be worth it. 

   “The construction they are doing is pretty distracting and loud,” said Stephanie Mandujano, sophomore. “It makes it pretty difficult to do my work in class.”

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