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The Student News Site of Guilford High School

The Voyager

The Student News Site of Guilford High School

The Voyager

Achoo! It’s Allergy Season!

Achoo! It’s Allergy Season!

   With summer coming around, and the season changing, allergy season is upon us! Why are allergies caused, what are common allergens, what is an allergic reaction, and how can you get relief from allergies?

   To start, according to (, allergies are things that are “typically harmless” to most people, but are harmful to those who are allergic. Common allergens are dust, pet fur, dandruff, pollen, as well as certain foods and medications. Allergic reactions occur because your body identifies the thing you’re allergic to as a virus or germ and tries to battle it, which gives you sickness-like symptoms ( 

   Adding onto that, an allergic reaction can have quite a bit of symptoms including but not limited to the swelling of body or face, sneezing/runny nose, red/itchy/watery eyes, wheezing, repeated coughing, trouble breathing, swelling or tightness of throat or lungs, headaches/migraines, and rashes ( It may also be harder to conduct yourself when dealing with allergies because of the induced fatigue, drowsiness, mental sluggishness, trouble gathering thoughts, trouble staying focused and extreme sleepiness ( 

   And finally, what everyone wants to know… How can you find relief from these horrible allergy symptoms this season? If you can afford or have access to it, a doctor, such as one in primary care, a nutritionist, or an allergy specialist, is always the best route. If that’s not an option for you, suggests zyrtec and xyzal as some of the best oral medications; however, the website also mentions other types of treatment such as nasal steroids, decongestants, and mast cell stabilizers as alternate, more extreme options. supplies a list of at home remedies such as local honey, steam to clear nasal passages, herbal tea or soup, and dietary supplements. Good luck this allergy season! 

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Jaden Cochran
Jaden Cochran, Reporter

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