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The Student News Site of Guilford High School

The Voyager

The Student News Site of Guilford High School

The Voyager

Here are some book recommendations 2024

Here are some book recommendations 2024

   Reading is a way to escape into another world whether you listen to audiobooks, read online, or prefer the real thing. We all enjoy reading things that entertain us, but it can be hard to find books we enjoy reading. So here are a few book recommendations from students and librarians.

Ophelia After All, by Racquel Marie, was recommended by Layla Armstrong, sophomore.

   “My favorite thing about the book is the journey Ophelia goes through to figure herself out,” said Armstrong. Ophelia does not go on a physical journey but instead a mental journey. She is in her senior year of high school and develops deeper relationships as the book progresses. She realizes her sexuality and grows as a person. The book is sweet, charming, funny, and frustrating.

   “If you don’t read this book you are a loser,” said Armstrong.

   The Girl I Used to Be by April Henry was recommended by Ms. Brooke Imbach, librarian.

   “This is great for anyone who likes thrillers,” said Ms. Imbach.

   This book is about a young girl whose mother was murdered and she believes her dad did it.

   “You keep turning the page wondering what’s gonna happen next or what secrets she may uncover,” said Ms. Imbach.

This book is full of suspense, and twists that unravel with each turn of the page.

The final book recommendation is The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas recommended by Ms. Carol Johnson, the library paraprofessional.

“This book is very popular among students, it focuses on many touchy subjects like racial profiling, biracial relationships, and growing up in a poor neighborhood,” said Ms. Johnson.

This book is about a young black girl named Starr who witnessed her friend Khalil get shot by the police and now needs to find the courage to speak out against racial injustice.

“This is a good book for anyone to read and it focuses on many aspects of life,” Ms. Johnson

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”- Stephen King

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Christine Laster
Christine Laster, Reporter

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