The Student News Site of Guilford High School

The Voyager

The Student News Site of Guilford High School

The Voyager

The Student News Site of Guilford High School

The Voyager

JV softball wraps up the season


   This is year number two of having a junior varsity softball team for the Guilford Vikings. There are eleven girls on the JV team this year, making a diverse and skilled team. As the season comes to an end the team has had their fair share of wins and losses. 

   Just like any sports team, the team has its strengths and weaknesses. Overall the team is a strong tight-knit team that tries its best to work fluidly together. 

   “Our team is full of girls at different skill levels and I think our biggest hardship was learning to work with each other despite those differences,” said Junior Adilade Shelain. 

   As the season has progressed, the girls have played against tough competitors, some more difficult than others. 

   “The most difficult team to play has been Harlem because of how good they are and how well they play together,” said Freshman Stella Pearson. 

   Despite some of these challenging teams the JV team has great team spirit and cheering skills. Making sure to always uplift one another, even during high-tension games. 

   “The team is really good at making light of situations and cheering each other on during games,” said Sophomore Rowyn Johnson.  

   Overall the junior varsity softball team has had a pretty successful season of fun and learning new skills and people. 

   “I’d say the team has accomplished a lot, we have definitely grown together and played a lot of good games,” said Shelain.

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Brooklyn Hairrell
Brooklyn Hairrell, Reporter
Kaylee Snyder
Kaylee Snyder, Reporter

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