Ms. Suzanne Heinlein: Math


   To build off of our other first-year mathematics teacher, Mr. Brennan O’Connell, we have another individual who is new to the building, someone who also teaches the subject of math: Ms. Suzanne Heinlein. Luckily for her and many other new educators here, the school’s staff and students have been extremely pleasant and accepting.

   “I love it here,” said Ms. Heinlein. “I feel comfortable and very welcomed in this building. The teachers have been extremely helpful with getting me adjusted and settled in. I feel so incredibly lucky to have amazing students who are very patient and understanding.”

   Due to COVID-19, which has plagued the world since early 2020, teachers both old and new have experienced their fair share of changes. This has made things very challenging for teachers, especially newer ones such as Ms. Heinlein.

   “COVID-19 has made this year interesting to say the least,” said Ms. Heinlein. “It is a very different experience to start teaching in a year where everyone had to reshape how they teach. We are all learning how to make the best of the situation, and it is comforting to know that I can get support from the Guilford family.”

   Everyone in every field of work has their own struggles and difficulties. There are always highs and lows. For most, however, the hardest parts usually balance out with the exceptional ones. Teaching is no different.

   “The biggest struggle has definitely been connecting with my remote students,” said Ms. Heinlein. “I love spending time with them during class online, but I wish I could see all of them in person together with the rest of the class. The hardest part about teaching is separating work from home. I often find myself doing work at home and not leaving much time for myself. I want the best for my students, but it is hard to remember that I need to take care of myself in order for them to see the best of me.”

   For many people math has been a tough subject, leading them to not enjoy the topic. However, for Ms. Heinlein, math brings her the utmost joy. 

   “Math was always my favorite class in high school,” said Ms. Heinlein. “It made the most sense to me and I actually found it fun to do! I always loved helping others understand math, so I knew I would love to teach it to students. I understand that quite a few people are afraid to tackle a math class, whether they think it is too difficult or they are just completely lost, so I want to be the teacher that helps take away that fear.”

   To many, helping others, especially the youth, is one of the most important responsibilities of adults. People can achieve this goal in many ways, but becoming a high school teacher to educate and lead by example is the path Ms. Heinlein decided to embark on.

   “I became a high school teacher because I knew I wanted to be an advocate for students,” said Ms. Heinlein. “I think it is extremely important for everyone to have a goal in life, whether that means pursuing a job after high school or pursuing more education. High school students today will be the leaders of our country in the future, and I think it is important to give them a voice and let them realize how important their ideas and opinions are, especially as they are learning more and more about themselves and their interests.”