According To The Voyager…

Seniors say a bittersweet goodbye to the high school experience

Isabella Pumo and Prycilla Rodriguez, Opinion Editor and Entertainment Editor

Growing up, everyone always tells you, “Make the most of high school, those are the best years of your life.” You never really believe them until you’re living it. As we are fast approaching the end of the year, many seniors have to come to terms with the fact that we are going to have to say goodbye to a place that we have called home for so many years. It seems that there will always be unfinished business and that high school will forever be an uncompleted chapter in our lives. Guilford Vikings, more than anyone, know that Guilford is home and that together, We Are One.

The high school experience is one that is truly gut-wrenching to have to let go of, especially when there are so many people and so many things that you have come to look forward to. Whether it be the football games, the assemblies, passing periods, or classes with your favorite teachers, there are so many things to miss about high school.

We were once scared freshmen who had no clue where any of our classes were. As we blossomed into sophomores, the school and its staff started to become somewhat familiar. By junior year, we had discovered parts of the school we didn’t even know existed. Now, at the end of it all, we have come to know this school like the back of our hands. Guilford has truly become a second home for many of us.

Our brains have become accustomed to the power-point presentations and the guided notes. Our hands have permanently indented scars from the harsh imprint of our pencils. Teachers have prepared us to branch off and make our futures the brightest they can be.

We will miss Miss Daisy, who helped prepare the infamous lunches that we all loved to complain about. We will miss Lorenzo, who always made sure to clean up the messes we made. We will miss Mr. Selas, who always has a smile on his face. We will miss our adviser, Mr. Bingley, who has taught us many lessons in journalism and in life. We will miss the Friday night football games and the spirit weeks. We will miss the school dances that we all paid to get sweaty in a crowded cafeteria for.

As we seniors say goodbye, we keep the memories and friendships we’ve created close to our hearts. We would love to send a roaring thank you to everyone who has impacted our high school experience, because you’ve helped make these four years at Guilford more than any of us could’ve ever hoped for. We will walk out the doors of Guilford High School with high hopes, our heads held up high, and our hearts full.

Once a Viking, always a Viking.